How do I sleep better?

4 Tips to improve Sleep and calm Stress, naturally

How do I sleep better? Is the pandemic causing you to feel stressed? It can be really difficult to get to sleep – and stay asleep when you are anxious. With such widespread coverage, the 24-7 news cycle, and social media feeds jammed with coronavirus content, many of our patients are reporting that they feel overwhelmed and stressed. This is understandable, so it’s important to find ways to calm yourself, naturally.

A 2017 study published in Computers in Human Behavior[1] found that, “Exposure to chronic stress can suppress immune function and increase susceptibility to infection.”

That’s not a good combination.


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chronic pain and insomnia

Pain has the ability to stop sleep dead in its tracks before calm has a chance to descend. Then, if a sufferer does manage to slumber, pain has an unconscionable ability to reach its uncomfortable tentacles deep into slumber often waking someone from much needed rest. To compound matters, just as pain triggers insomnia, insomnia exacerbates pain. It’s no wonder so many Aussies are exhausted and sore. Read more

Snoring Solutions

A wise person once said, “Laugh and the world laughs with you –  snore and you sleep alone.” Most people will snore from time to time; however, if you live with a chronic snorer, you know that this topic is no laughing matter.

Statistics show that around 40 percent of men and 24 percent of women are habitual snorers and – whether they realise it or not – their snoring wreaks havoc on their own health and negatively impacts their significant other too.